Industry Organizations
Fluor Constructors has considerable experience in dealing with labor at both the local and international level. Fluor Constructors maintains close working relationships with North America’s Building and Construction Trades Unions at both the local and international level and operates under a number of national project labor agreements as well as negotiating project labor agreements on a local level on major industrial, refinery, and power plant projects throughout the United States.
Fluor Constructors has actively assisted owners and developers in developing labor strategies and negotiating project labor agreements for major projects throughout North America. As a national contractor, Fluor Constructors was a founding member of the North American Contractors Association (NACA) and its predecessor, The National Constructors Association.
Fluor Constructors representatives participate on NACA’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee and on several of the Association’s working committees, including the Joint Administrative Committee, the Interpretations Committee, and the NACA/National Building Trades Labor-Management Committee. In addition, Fluor Constructors representatives were members of the negotiating committee for the National Construction Agreement, the successor agreement to the National Construction Stabilization Agreement. Fluor Constructors is also a member of TAUC, The Association of Union Contractors, and its representatives sit on the Board of Directors, The Labor Committee, and the Safety Committee.
Fluor Constructors is also a member of the Associated Maintenance Contractors (AMC) and actively participates on the Board of Directors and a number of working committees including the Safety Committee. Fluor Constructors representatives also actively participate in the Construction Users Roundtable and maintain a close working relationship with various employer associations throughout the country.
Fluor Constructors believes in maintaining a firm but fair approach in dealing with the building and construction trades unions to ensure that an owner’s concerns are dealt with and that the terms and conditions of the final labor agreement are adhered to so that cost savings negotiated into an a labor agreement are realized. All of the national agreements which Fluor Constructors works under, as well as the project labor agreements which it negotiates, contain strong management rights and owner protective language.
Also included in these agreements are work rules that create cost savings through the efficient use of labor and labor savings devices. Each agreement contains flexible work schedules with common shifts, holidays and overtime that aid in both cost containment and schedule adherence, as well as strong no-strike no-lockout clauses with liquidated damages which help ensure project schedules.